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Stats SL and NCRA Unite for CHESS

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Stats SL and NCRA Unite for CHESS
Stats SL and NCRA Unite for CHESS

In a joint initiative aimed at advancing public health research, Statistics Sierra Leone (Stats SL) and the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) have joined forces to lead the implementation plans of the Comprehensive Health and Epidemiological Surveillance System (CHESS) Technical Committee.

CHESS represents an innovative approach to population surveillance, with the goal of providing timely, high-quality data on disease-specific and pathogen-specific morbidity, as well as comprehensive statistics on overall and cause-specific mortality.

The collaborative session served as a platform for Statistics Sierra Leone to update NCRA representatives on the progress achieved by the CHESS Technical Committee and communicate Stats SL’s readiness to effectively carry out the CHESS research project.

Andrew Bob Johnny, Statistician General and CEO of Statistics Sierra Leone, expressed satisfaction with the visit, highlighting the positive and collaborative relationship that has endured between the two institutions. He reaffirmed his commitment to maintaining this cooperative spirit in the future.

During the session, Brima Kamara, Deputy Director General of NCRA, emphasized the institution’s keen interest in matters related to the health of the Sierra Leonean population. Kamara commended Stats SL for their commendable efforts thus far and acknowledged the significance of the CHESS research project. He stressed that the collected data would significantly contribute to enhancing their database as the principal institution overseeing all National Registration processes. Kamara expressed NCRA’s eagerness for a mutually beneficial partnership with Stats SL in executing the research project.

Lansana Kpewolo Kanneh, Acting Deputy Statistician General of Stats SL, echoed the sentiment, stating that it was a pleasure for Stats SL to host representatives from a sister institution like NCRA. The collaboration between Stats SL and NCRA holds the promise of advancing healthcare research and strengthening national registration processes for the benefit of the Sierra Leonean population.

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