, 751172, DIRECT, d4c29acad76ce94f, 751172, DIRECT, d4c29acad76ce94f

Salone Messenger

Year: 2021

How A Young Ugandan Entrepreneur Is Using AI To Fight Cancer In Africa After Battling Disease

Shamim Nabuuma Kaliisa is a cancer survivor and founder of Chil AI.

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The Nigerian Who Left His Lucrative Job As NBA Agent To Give Africa Its Own NBA

Ugo Udezue is a Nigerian and a former basketball player who featured

Meet Armah Gladys Quist, The Forerunner For Law Society Presidential Elections

The name Armah Gladys Quist is no novelty to many people on

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I Was Surprised Alaba Kissed Real Madrid Badge – Bayern Munich President

David Alaba after spending more than a decade of his career at

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A Senegal-Born Factory Worker Is Europe’s First Tiktok Megastar

The latest TikTok star to reach 100 million followers is not a

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The Journey Of A Migrant: Temple Run For The Love Of Europe And Greener Pasture

By: Mohamed Mansaray: A Migrant For Sierra Leone Episode One Migrations from

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