In a display of international cooperation and dedication to improving the lives of underprivileged children, We Yone Child Foundation, a charitable organization based in Sierra Leone, has partnered with Mercy Ships Holland to complete the construction of a 9-classroom school, a kitchen, a hall, a computer skills training center, and a community bridge in the George Brook Community, Dwarzark.
The project aims to provide sustainable education and care to children in the community, as well as empower young and old people by addressing transportation challenges and improving access to essential services. The lack of road networks in the area has posed significant risks, including difficulties in referring sick cases to hospitals in Freetown central, leading to unwanted deaths.
Harmen Westerduin, Primary Caregiver at Mercy Ships during an interview with Salone Messenger said “ I met Santigie of We Yone Child Foundation after I saw a child at a dumpsite, I felt something needed to be done and so I search for charity organisations working with young people where I came across We Yone Child Foundation”. He noted. Harmen Westerduin also added that they are here for little over a week working with We Yone Child to help finish the construction of the school and community bridge.

Santigie Bayo Dumbuya, the founder of We Yone Child Foundation, along with community members, warmly welcomed a team of 9 foreign experts from Holland and volunteers from Mercy Ships Global Team who will be contributing their skills to complete the construction. The team includes carpenters, painters, and electricians who are dedicated to making a positive impact in the community.
Isatu Kargbo, a family member living in the community noted that she is very excited and thank We Yone Child Foundation for building a school for the children, she noted that before this time, their children use to be at risk and expose to negative things because of the distance they cover to go School, “The school in the community has helped us keep eyes on our children because we see them going to school and they are around us” she ended.
The initiative to build the school was spearheaded by Santigie Bayo Dumbuya and UK volunteer Sophie Radice in 2018 after recognizing the urgent need for a secondary school in the area. A fundraising Website called intended to raise funds for all the projects including building the We Yone Secondary, community bridge, skill training center for the Dumpsite and Kroobay young people to take them off the street was set.
Currently, hundreds of children have to travel long distances daily to access secondary education in downtown the city due to the lack of facilities in their community.
The We Yone Secondary School is expected to serve between 300 to 500 children in the George Brook Community, providing them with a safe and conducive environment for learning. The construction of the school has been made possible through the generous contributions of various donors, including the Paul Hodges Trust, Wegdam Foundation, Monica and Douglas Taylor Foundation, Edgewater School Elementary School Canada, and Sergei Boissier.
The completion of these facilities represents a significant step forward in improving education and access to essential services for underprivileged communities in Sierra Leone. The collaboration between We Yone Child Foundation and Mercy Ships Holland serves as a shining example of how international partnerships can make a real difference in the lives of those in need.