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Salone Messenger


Salone Messenger is a Global Multimedia and Public Relation Firm based in Sierra Leone with the latest news and information, on top stories, business, politics, entertainment and more
1790 Articles

No Bail for Kush Barons – Vice President Juldeh Jalloh

In a resolute stance against the proliferation of Kush trafficking, Vice President

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Senegal President Faye Appoints Prime Minister

New Senegalese President Bassirou Diomaye Faye on Tuesday appointed firebrand politician and

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Sierra Leonean Arrested at Mumbai Airport for Drug Smuggling

In a recent operation at Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (CSMIA), officials

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Leone Stars Forward Amadou Bakayoko Nets Crucial Goal For Dundee FC

Sierra Leone Forward Amadou Bakayoko’s late goal secured a “massive” win in

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Outrage as Oil Spillage on Bo Highway Causes Accidents

A viral video has captured public attention after showcasing a large oil

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