A young teenage boy completed his requirements for a bachelor’s degree at the age of 15. Ian Taylor Schlitz as he is popularly known pursued his degree at the Nothern Texas in the United States.
He found out that he was extremely gifted. Due to his brilliance, his parents made the decision to withdraw him and his sister Haley from public school and have them homeschooled instead. At Tarrant County College in Texas, United States, Ian was already enrolled in college-level classes at the age of 10.
He enrolled to the University of Nothern Texas (UNT) at the age of 15 to finish his Bachelor’s degree in Integrative Studies. Ian disclosed that his sister Haley, who graduated from college at the age of 16 and was accepted into nine law schools, gave him guidance on his academic choices.
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In addition to being a recent graduate, Ian serves as the CEO of Kidlamity Gaming, a gaming business he founded. Ian said he still has a lot of time to decide whether to pursue a career in animation or medicine when he graduated.