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65,116 girls, 61,380 boys write 2024 BECE

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65,116 girls, 61,380 boys write 2024 BECE
65,116 girls, 61,380 boys write 2024 BECE

Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education has revealed that 65,116 girls and 61,380 boys are writing this year’s Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE).

The development show a sharp increase in the number of girls now being enrolled in school as compared to that of the boys.

The ministry said this is an incredible achievement for secondary schools in Sierra Leone following the introduction of the Free Quality School Education policy in 2018 by President Dr. Julius Maada Bio.

The move according to the ministry also reflects the impressive work to improve school safety, teaching quality and learning outcomes during the Leh Wi Lan programme – implemented by Cambridge Education and funded by UK aid since 2016.

Last year, eight out of the eleven top performers in the National Primary School Examination (NPSE) were girls and a female pupil, topped performer with best result

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Salone Messenger is a Global Multimedia and Public Relation Firm based in Sierra Leone with the latest news and information, on top stories, business, politics, entertainment and more