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Reading: SheStands Condemns Information Minister and SLPP Supporters for Intimidation of Woman at Town Hall Meeting
Reading: SheStands Condemns Information Minister and SLPP Supporters for Intimidation of Woman at Town Hall Meeting

SheStands Condemns Information Minister and SLPP Supporters for Intimidation of Woman at Town Hall Meeting

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SheStands Condemns Information Minister and SLPP Supporters for Intimidation of Woman at Town Hall Meeting
SheStands Condemns Information Minister and SLPP Supporters for Intimidation of Woman at Town Hall Meeting

In a recent town hall meeting at the Bintumani Conference Centre in Aberdeen, West Freetown, #SheStands has expressed grave concern over the treatment of Haja Mariama Kuyateh by Information Minister Mr. Chernor Bah and a pro-government mob.

The incident unfolded during a meeting called by His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio, where Kuyateh, a dedicated Sierra Leonean, sought to participate in the dialogue.

While the government’s open door policy is commendable, #SheStands is deeply troubled by the minister’s and supporters’ actions, which undermined the spirit of the town hall meeting.

Kuyateh faced significant obstacles in her attempt to ask questions and engage with the president. Despite her persistent efforts, she was initially denied the opportunity to speak but eventually managed to get the president’s attention.

Instead of moderating the discussion impartially, Minister Bah acted as an adversary, publicly criticizing Kuyateh and stifling her ability to express her concerns.

The minister’s actions, alongside the intimidation tactics of pro-government supporters, created a hostile environment that pressured Kuyateh into apologizing and curtailed her freedom to speak.

#SheStands condemns these actions as an affront to women’s rights and freedom of expression.

The organization stresses that women should have equal opportunities to voice their concerns without facing fear or intimidation. Encouraging women to speak out is a fundamental aspect of gender equality and good governance, which must be upheld at all levels.

#SheStands commends Haja Mariama Kuyateh for her bravery and resilience in speaking up, and acknowledges the pro-government supporters for maintaining her safety during the incident.

Kuyateh has since confirmed her well-being in a video shared on X, expressing satisfaction with her actions.

The organization calls for a reaffirmation of women’s rights not just in policy but in practice, ensuring that such incidents do not undermine democratic engagement and free expression.

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