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President Julius Maada Bio to address the nation again on failed coup attempt

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President Bio
President Bio

President Julius Maada Bio will today, for the second time address the nation on the failed coup attempt that took place on November 26, 2023, when some armed men attacked the military barracks at Wilberforce in Freetown and attempted to overthrow his government.

In his first address televised speech, President Bioacknowledged the need for continued vigilance.
He urged citizens to remain indoors as the Security Forces, in a collaborative effort, diligently pursue the remnants of the assailants who fled the scene. A nationwide curfew was been declared.

President Bio reaffirmed his government’s commitment to peace, security and safeguarding Sierra Leone.

He also expressed his unalloyed determination to protect democracy, while calling on all Sierra Leoneans to unite in this collective responsibility.

In his concluding remarks, President Bio echoed a resounding “Long Live The Republic of Sierra Leone,” capturing the spirit of resilience and unity necessary to overcome challenges facing the nation.

You can watch his speech on SLBB 8:00 today.

Read his tweet below

Fellow Sierra Leoneans,

Please note that I will address the Nation for a second time on the failed attempted coup d’état at 8:00 PM this evening.

Watch it live on Facebook (JuliusMaadaBio), SLBC TV and all major news networks across the country.

Thank you.


You can watch President Bio’s full speech on Facebook (JuliusMaadaBio), SLBC TV1 or other major news networks across the country

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By admin
Salone Messenger is a Global Multimedia and Public Relation Firm based in Sierra Leone with the latest news and information, on top stories, business, politics, entertainment and more