, 751172, DIRECT, d4c29acad76ce94f, 751172, DIRECT, d4c29acad76ce94f

Salone Messenger

From Street Hawker in Freetown to African Entrepreneur Paving the way in China.

From Street Hawker in Freetown to African Entrepreneur Paving the way in China. Mohamed Lamin Yahffa, founder and CEO of Zulumadingo company a Sierra Leonean company that provides a vast

Sallu Kamuskay Sallu Kamuskay

Plan International  Appoints Its First African CEO

Plan International  Appoints Its First African CEO   With the focus on a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls appointed #StephenOmollo, a Kenyan, as its CEO.

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18- Year Old Innovator Built An Electric Mercedes Benz For Children

By: Mohamed Dauda Kamara Here is Samuel Momoh Kamara 18- year old innovator in Makeni who made an electric Mercedes benz for children around 6 to 8 year old; using

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Sierra Leonean Creates Bluetooth Speaker With Radio Using 5 Gallon Container, As He Couldn’t Afford One

Sierra Leonean  Creates Bluetooth Speaker With Radio Using 5 Gallon Container, As He Couldn’t Afford One A  20 year old young  Sierra Leonean boy attending Milton Margai school has created

Sallu Kamuskay Sallu Kamuskay

BE AWARE OF ONLINE HACKERS AND FRAUDSTERS.  Salone Messenger’s CEO Sallu Kamuskay exposes online hackers and fraudster.

BE AWARE OF ONLINE HACKERS AND FRAUDSTERS. Salone Messenger’s CEO Sallu Kamuskay exposes online hackers and fraudsters . Three weeks ago, a popular fraudster using the name and posing as

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Press Release: National Film Awards Releases 2021 Maiden Edition Nomination list

Press Release: National Film Awards Releases 2021 Maiden Edition Nomination list   In press release by the National Film Awards, the Jury has after meticulously going through the entire films

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