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Salone Messenger

From A Small Rural Town In Sierra Leone to A Computer Science Professor: The true life story of Professor Mohamed K. Kamara

By: Abu Bakarr Jalloh After acquiring such vast knowledge in computer science, IT security systems, and many more, Professor Mohamed K. Kamara has decided to give back to where it

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A meal — and a beating — that changed my life forever

A meal — and a beating — that changed my life forever By Kamuakay Kamara  The idea of mealtime is strange to me as I remember eating whenever food was

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As Housemates Salone Campaign  Intensifies, Tik Tok Sensation Pee Whiz Takes Campaign To Schools

The Housemates  drama has begun, the campaign is on for the best 20 or 22 men and women that will make it in the mansion,  Sierra Leone's Popular Tik Tok

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“If Safeti Ɔfisa tÉ›k 100 tawzin, watin go lÉ›f na d bike man É› an?”: Voices of Okada Riders from Sierra Leone Chapter 2

"If Safeti Ɔfisa tɛk 100 tawzin, watin go lɛf na d bike man ɛ an?": Voices of Okada Riders from Sierra Leone Chapter 2 The long decade civil war, Ebola,

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Ph.D. Buyers and Their Hunt For Thampèreh’s Resources

Ph.D. Buyers and Their Hunt For Thampèreh’s Resources By Jaime Yaya Barry They had red and black robes. Their hats were twice the size of their heads. They had red

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Sierra Leone Beats Ghana by 87 Runs to Set for Rwanda

After reuniting spirits, the Ladies Patriots of Sierra Leone faced Ghana at the Tawafa Balewa Square for an 87 run win in the glowing Lagos sun. The ladies won the

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