, 751172, DIRECT, d4c29acad76ce94f, 751172, DIRECT, d4c29acad76ce94f

Salone Messenger

From taxman to entrepreneur

Alfred Akibo-Betts FCCA has leveraged his networks and a long career in Sierra Leone’s National Revenue Authority by setting up his own firm and a business school This did not

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Singer Speedo’o Music Biography:  Age, Country of Origin Birthday, and Songs

Here is a detailed biography, Age, Country of Origin, Birthday, and Songs,  of Sierra Leone's fastest rapper Speedo'o who rose to fame for his craft. Rapper Speedo'o Music Biography Rapper

Sallu Kamuskay Sallu Kamuskay

Young African-American boy breaks US school’s 46-year-old record, becomes first-ever to score 100% in university entrance examination

A young African-American boy, Mario Hoove has broken the 46-year-old record of Providence-St. Mel. School, Chicago, United States after scoring a perfect 100% grade in the country’s ACT examination. The

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Nigerian brilliant lady bags masters degree from UK university with 100% honours, set to pursue a PhD

Mercy Ojetunde, a talented Nigerian woman, received a perfect score on her Master’s degree program graduation exam from the University of the West of Scotland in the United United Kingdom

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Reactions as NATCOM takes strong action against New Internet Data Prices

The Regulatory body of Telecommunication in Sierra Leone NATCOM has ordered the suspension of the implementation of the new floor price of Le 18 for megabytes with immediate effect. This

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Breaking News: The CEO & Founder of Supfrica has stopped using WhatsApp.

The founder of the fastest messaging app has stopped using WhatsApp indefinitely as he moved all his business transactions to Supfrica. Alhassan Hafiz Bakarr Kanu has disclosed this days ago.

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