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50 Most Influential Sierra Leonean Women Award nominations and Shortlisting Ends.

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The Fifty Most Influential Sierra Leonean Women Award Committee will like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the public for participating in the nomination process.

This year the committee received nine hundred and eight (908) nominations from the public. Giving the high quality of nominations, we took care to shortlist One hundred women with exceptional quality for public voting.

The One hundred women that were shortlisted for public voting have demonstrated their passion towards building a better Sierra Leone or are using their influence to inspire other women to contribute towards socio-economic development.

The committee will announce their names and voting code at the Official launching of the Public Voting Process and Inspirational Forum for Women and Girls on the 23rd January 2021 at Radisson Blu Mammy Yoko Hotel, Freetown. Time: 4:00 PM. Strictly by Invitation.


The Fifty Most Influential Sierra Leonean Women Award is an initiative of twenty-two youth and women-led organizations supported by Kids Advocacy Network to spotlight and recognize the important role women play towards national development in Sierra Leone and also award and celebrate those women and few institutions that are contributing towards nation-building. The award recipients represent the most influential women in Business, Government, Law, Education, Local NGOs, and Entertainment, etc.

One Hundred nominees were Shortlisted for public voting and the public will elect fifty most influential women to receive this year’s award on the 26th March 2020 at a ceremony slated for the Bintumani Conference Centre, Time: 5:30 Pm


We wish to reassure the public that as usual our award will be based on merit and we will always maintain its integrity.


Una Tenki!

Ishiatu Fofanah

Award Committee Secretary

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By admin
Salone Messenger is a Global Multimedia and Public Relation Firm based in Sierra Leone with the latest news and information, on top stories, business, politics, entertainment and more