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Tribalism and Regionalism: Time to Unite through Sports

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Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai
Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai

By: Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai

Approximately one hundred days ago, President Bio entrusted me with the responsibility of spearheading the promotion and development of sports in Sierra Leone under the umbrella of the National Sports Authority (NSA). This appointment has filled me with a mix of excitement, anticipation, and apprehension as I contemplate the potential of utilizing sports as a unifying force for our nation. What better platform exists to champion the cause of national cohesion and the detribalization of our society?

Assuming my role, I entered the NSA fold only to discover an institution marred by division. At the NSA, palpable excitement exists among those who perceive me as an ally and fellow tribesman, juxtaposed with the feelings of fear and intimidation from individuals representing the so-called national divide. In my initial days in office, I engaged a myriad of individuals, both from “my tribe” and from other ethnic backgrounds. The encounters revealed a stark tribal and regional divide that permeates the organization.

The prevailing sentiment among many has been to caution me about detractors; however, these warnings often culminate in statements like “But remember, you are one of us.” Those who do not harbor a perceived connection with me are now hesitant to speak up and share their insights, even when they possess valuable advice to offer.

Regrettably, it has become increasingly common to witness the weaponization of tribal affiliations as a means to undermine opponents, even when those opponents may be more competent. Individuals vying for positions often resort to labeling their competitors as members of specific political parties or ethnic groups such as SLPP or APC, Temne, Limba, or Mende, simply because they are unable to compete on merit alone.

As the Head of sports, I firmly believe that sports transcends such divisions and should be embraced by all. It is imperative that we unite under the banner of sports to advance the vision of our President and foster unity within our nation. However, I am disheartened to observe that even within my own team, divisions persist along party lines, regional affiliations, and tribal identities. How can we effectively serve the youths and deliver impactful change when we remain fragmented by superficial distinctions such as tribe and region?

I have made it clear to my team that remaining in their positions is contingent upon competence rather than tribal affiliations. While this message has not been well received by many and has lightened the mood of some cautiously, it is imperative that we prioritize meritocracy over tribal considerations. Unfortunately, our workforce has been depleted as a result of politicians exploiting gullible individuals to sow seeds of hatred. Certain individuals have undermined the very institutions that sustain them, all in the pursuit of scoring political points, to the detriment of our nation and to the dismay of the few who recognize the gravity of the situation.

The challenges faced by the NSA mirror those prevalent within the wider civil and public services of Sierra Leone. The deep-rooted political divide, fueled by the fierce competition for access to limited resources, has brought us to a critical juncture where tensions are escalating.

It is evident that we are capable of more. By leveraging the unifying power of sports, we have the opportunity to bring together the youths and people of Sierra Leone, transcending divisive lines and fostering a sense of unity and common purpose. It is through collective effort and a shared commitment to excellence that we can overcome these challenges and work towards a brighter future for our nation.

My fervent hope is that we can rise above these divisions, prioritize unity and inclusivity, and work collectively to harness the transformative power of sports for the betterment of our nation and its young people.

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