A brilliant Sierra Leonean man, Ishmail Bai Bundu who received a fully funded scholarship from the Irish Council for International Students has taken to social media to celebrate his achievement after earning his Second Class Honours – Masters (Agri) in Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development from the University College Dublin.
Ishmail Bai Bundu in his Facebook post wished his father who past away in 2011 was alive to celebrate with him.
The brilliant Sierra Leonean went on to dedicate his achievement to his mentees noting that if he can do it, they can also do it.
Read below what he said
“With Mixed Emotions, I would like take this moment to share my recent achievement and express appreciation to everyone who has played a vital role in ensuring I ripped what I saw.
I’m a proud Graduate with Second Class Honours – Masters (Agri) in Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development from the University College Dublin #UCD #UCDAlumni #dublinireland. I could’ve done better, and I wish I had done better, but my harvest is still excellent and productive to ensure a better yield in my future endeavours. I’m excited to put to practice the skills I acquired during my course of study and I’m looking forward to a better, brighter and collaborative future, with a more open mindset to tackle challenges that may come my way or those who need my expertise. I’m proud of myself and all those who helped and believed in me.
I wish to start by acknowledging the Irish Council for International Students #ICOS for a fully sponsored scholarship and the people of Ireland (Warmest hospitality), University College Dublin #UCD especially the Department of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The Embassy of Ireland
in Sierra Leone
, The Agriculture Value-chain Development Project under the Ministry of Agriculture
, Njala University especially the Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, EducAid Sierra Leone, Carrick Foundation, friends and family for your financial support (ICOS), mental health coaching, keeping in touch in challenging moments, collecting and processing data and trusting me.

My research was on Climate Change and Post-harvest loss in Koinadugu District, Sierra Leone
. My recommendations are vital to help reduce farmers’ losses and tackle Climate change more sustainably. The Ministry of Agriculture will utilise this outcome in Sierra Leone, along with its partners, other ministries, and related bodies worldwide.

Personally, it all felt like a start of a long journey to achieve more with a sole vision of helping especially farmers in Rural communities in developing countries. I’m out and looking for a bigger challenge to stand on a platform where my voice can make a massive impact for all in the coming months or years. Everything is Possible. 

To my Mentees, my sole advice will be to prepare mentally, Socially, and physically to move to the next stage of life as every stage demands an upgraded you, don’t let opportunities prepare you; prepare in advance. If I can do it, you can do better.
Be better than Your Yesterday and not others (No competition, just efforts to be your best).

I could say so much, but I’m grateful for everyone who has crossed my path; you made me. I wish my father (RIP since 04/2011) were alive to celebrate with us. I dedicate this achievement to my daddy and my adopted Grandma, who passed away a week ago in the UK (Ano). May their souls rest in peace 
. Amen. Ishmail Bai Bundu”