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Reading: Sierra leone Government Makes Important Information on Nation-Wide Curfew.
Reading: Sierra leone Government Makes Important Information on Nation-Wide Curfew.

Sierra leone Government Makes Important Information on Nation-Wide Curfew.

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By admin 1 Min Read
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The Government of Sierra Leone has lifted the nationwide curfew, effective immediately.

In a recent press release, the Government of Sierra Leone officially declared the immediate lifting of the nationwide curfew, effective from Wednesday, December 20, 2023.

Addressing the public, the government emphasized the importance of collective vigilance during the upcoming festive period despite the curfew’s removal.

Expressing gratitude for the public’s continued cooperation with security forces in the aftermath of the failed coup on November 26, 2023, authorities pledged ongoing efforts to bring those responsible to justice.

Government lifts curfew


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Salone Messenger is a Global Multimedia and Public Relation Firm based in Sierra Leone with the latest news and information, on top stories, business, politics, entertainment and more