A young Sierra Leonean filmmaker, renowned emcee, public speaker, and advocate Jamil Sesay has taken to his social media to celebrate his success after passing the Sierra Leone Bar exams on his first attempt.
Jamil Sesay hails from the Prince of Wales school (POW) and was one of the best pupils in the school arguably one of the most popularly known students in school, he was involved in everything and won several awards.
The young brilliant Sierra Leonean, Jamil Sesay aspires to be a formidable lawyer since childhood he has never diverted from his dream to become a lawyer. Justice has been something that motivates him to do better and see others do better in effecting change in the country.
Raised by a single mother by the name Jamil Conteh, who sacrificed everything to make her son succeed in life. Life was never easy with the two but they are best of friends and have seen each other through tough times and wonderful times.
Jamil is the son of the late col Abdul Kareem Sesay, a formidable military personnel, former minister of Agriculture, and secretary of state who met his ordeal in a very hard pill of national history (one of the 24 soldiers that were executed in 1998)
His father was known for his amazing academic background and prowess and it is no doubt that Jamil has taken his father’s footsteps.
Jamil attributes his success to the glory of God, Help from amazing people that inspired and motivated him, His friends, and most of all his mother.
There is more to come from Jamil as he intends to make a mark and contribute positively to the legal field both academically and in practice
He will not abandon his filmmaking as he has a lineup of amazing movies and movie projects on the way.
Jamil is a gem, Jamil is loved.
Read his Facebook post:
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