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Mayor Aki-Sawyerr Raises Alarm Over Rapid Mangrove Destruction in Aberdeen Creek

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Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr of Freetown has raised an alarm over the rapid destruction of mangroves in Aberdeen Creek. In a heartfelt post on social media, she expressed her deep concern about the devastating state of the creek. During a morning walk, she witnessed a distressing scene of mangrove destruction, a direct consequence of unchecked building construction encroaching into the creek.

The mayor’s message resonates with urgency, as she underscores the alarming rate at which these invaluable mangroves are disappearing. The impact is far-reaching, as the delicate balance of Freetown’s ecosystems is disrupted, leaving the city susceptible to increased flooding risks. Furthermore, the decline in fish population due to the destruction of mangroves threatens both the local fishing industry and the overall biodiversity of the region.

While Mayor Aki-Sawyerr speaks from her position as a concerned resident and dedicated climate change activist, she emphasizes that the responsibility for addressing this critical issue does not fall under the jurisdiction of local councils. Land use planning and building permit issuance are not within their purview.

This wake-up call from Mayor Aki-Sawyerr serves as a rallying cry for environmental protection and responsible land use planning. The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated, and the community’s collective action is imperative to safeguard Freetown’s natural resources for generations to come.

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