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JFK denounces failed coup attempt and warns against using investigation for political gain

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JFK denounces failed coup attempt and warns against using investigation for political gain
JFK denounces failed coup attempt and warns against using investigation for political gain

Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara, a prominent member of the All People’s Congress (APC) and the esteemed legal counsel for Former President Ernest Bai Koroma, has strongly condemned the 26th attempted coup, emphasizing the need for a thorough and unbiased investigation.

Kamara, known for his unwavering commitment to justice, expressed concern over potential attempts to exploit the situation to stifle dissent.

I have silently observed unfolding events with keen interest. Time my voice is raised above the fray. Whether the incident was a foiled coup or security breach, it is outrightly condemned,” declared Kamara, underscoring the gravity of the situation. The 26th attempted coup sent shockwaves through the nation, raising questions about the stability of the political landscape.

Kamara’s role as a key figure within the APC adds weight to his words, signifying a unified stance against any threat to the democratic order. As the legal representative for Former President Ernest Bai Koroma, he brings not only legal acumen but also a deep understanding of the political intricacies that have defined Sierra Leone’s recent history.

The seasoned lawyer went on to caution against the potential misuse of the investigation for political gains. “The crux is for the Government not to weaponize the investigation to further silence critics,” Kamara emphasized, highlighting the delicate balance between maintaining national security and upholding democratic values. His call for a fair and impartial inquiry reflects a commitment to justice that transcends party lines.

Kamara’s statement resonates at a time when the nation grapples with the aftermath of the attempted coup. The government now faces the critical task of conducting a thorough investigation without compromising the principles of transparency and accountability. The international community will undoubtedly be closely watching developments, as Sierra Leone navigates this challenging chapter in its political history.

As the nation awaits the outcome of the investigation, Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara’s vocal condemnation serves as a reminder of the importance of safeguarding democratic norms and ensuring that the pursuit of justice does not inadvertently undermine the very principles it seeks to protect.

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