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IOM and Immigration Department of Sierra Leone sign strategic MoU

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The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has signed a strategic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Immigration Department of Sierra Leone to further reinforce the excellent collaboration on migration management initiatives 1. The MoU is a significant step towards enhancing the cooperation between the two organizations and improving the management of migration in Sierra Leone.

The IOM has been working closely with the Immigration Department of Sierra Leone to address the challenges of migration and to promote safe, orderly, and regular migration. The MoU will provide a framework for the two organizations to work together more effectively and efficiently 1.

The signing of the MoU was described as an honor by Christos Christodoulides, Head of IOM Sierra Leone. He expressed his appreciation for the excellent collaboration between the IOM and the Immigration Department of Sierra Leone and emphasized the importance of working together to address the challenges of migration 1.

The MoU will enable the IOM and the Immigration Department of Sierra Leone to collaborate on a range of migration management initiatives, including border management, counter-trafficking, and the protection of migrants’ rights. The two organizations will also work together to strengthen the capacity of the Immigration Department of Sierra Leone and to enhance its ability to manage migration effectively 1.

The signing of the strategic MoU between the IOM and the Immigration Department of Sierra Leone is a significant milestone in the efforts to improve the management of migration in Sierra Leone. The MoU will provide a framework for the two organizations to work together more effectively and efficiently and to address the challenges of migration in a coordinated and collaborative manner 1.

1: IOM Team Pays Courtesy call on Sierra Leone’s Chief Immigration Officer – Sierra Leone Immigration Department

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