Meet Hashimatu Isha Sesay founder of Shima’s Elegance Couture, an online fabric brand helping people choose the right fabrics
Hashimatu Isha Sesay is the founder of the Shima’s Elegance Couture, an online fabric brand that focuses on enhancing and helping their customers to choose the right fabric/s so that their confidence will take care of the rest.
“We want our customers to shop from there comfort zone and be rest assured we will deliver.” Hashimatu Isha Sesay told Salone Messenger during an interview.

Born and raised in Freetown, Hashimatu Isha Sesay is Sierra Leonean entrepreneur, Personal fabric shopper and founder of the Shima’s Elegance Couture.
Hashimatu Isha Sesay attended the Saint Joseph’s Primary School where she completed her primary school, she later proceeded at the Annie Walsh Memorial School where she completed her Junior and Senior secondary education. Hashimatu Isha Sesay currently holds a Bachelor of Arts in History and Politics from the University of Sierra Leone Fourah Bay College (FBC).
Realizing that Hashimatu have lot of experience in advertising and branding, she decided to set up her own company.
“I am very good with advertising and branding, so when my internship ended, I was facing some financial difficulties so I decided to start up an online business with various commodities / stuffs and fortunately for me the fabric business emerged successfully” She told us at Salone Messenger

The Shima’s Elegance Couture products and services include:
- Personal fabric shopper service.
- Ankara style advisory, bridal entourage, Weddings and Naming Ceremony Cottons , Bazin Richie ( Brillion) , Linen, Lace , Sattin and Strecth Materials etc .
Before setting up The Shima’s Elegance Couture , Hashimatu Isha Sesay has worked for several institutions including the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA ) as Assistant Program Officer through the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development ( MLGRD) Youyi Building in 2018 and the House of Parliament in 2018 where she did her intern serving as the Assistant Committee Clerk for the Works and Public Assets Committee.

Like many young people growing up, Hashimatu Isha Sesay had a great experience growing up, things became difficult when she gave birth.
“I had a great childhood experience not until I gave birth to my adorable son then I realized a man best servant is himself as in I owe my son and i alot so I decided to start selling various items online.”
“Put God first , be you , be honest and be humble try to firgue out your potential / purpose and work towards your dreams , it doesn’t matter how slow life gets just believe in yourself and never give up because you are made for greatness.”Hashimatu Isha Sesay
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