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First Lady Fatima Bio Appeals to President Bio for Boss LA’s Pardon

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First Lady Fatima Bio Appeals to President Bio for Boss LA’s Pardon
First Lady Fatima Bio Appeals to President Bio for Boss LA’s Pardon

Sierra Leone’s First Lady, H.E Dr. Fatima Maada Bio, has made a significant move by supporting the country’s Entertainment Industry. On December 21, 2023, she collaborated with local entertainers to directly appeal to her husband, President Julius Maada Bio, requesting a Presidential Pardon for Alhaji Amadu Bah, also known as Boss LA, a prominent musician and entertainer currently held at the Pademba Correctional Center in Freetown. In her sincere plea, the First Lady highlighted her affiliation with the entertainment industry, expressing, “I belong to the entertainment industry family. My husband, please consider my love and join the entertainers in asking for your pardon and utilizing your presidential power to release Alhaji Amadu, known as LAJ, from prison. As a mother, LAJ is my brother and son. Please, make 2024 a wonderful year by freeing LAJ. I believe he has learned his lesson and is prepared to be a positive person. We earnestly beg you to release LAJ for us.”

This unexpected initiative by the First Lady has sparked nationwide discussions, emphasizing the convergence of personal relationships and the influential role of entertainment figures in society. The plea for a Presidential Pardon goes beyond seeking clemency; it serves as a testament to the impact artists have on shaping cultural narratives. The outcome of this plea is poised to significantly influence public perception regarding the justice system’s efficacy in rehabilitating individuals, marking a distinct moment where politics and entertainment intersect in the pursuit of justice and mercy.

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