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FIFA clears football player of match-fixing allegations

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Christian Caulker, a Sierra Leonean football player, has been barred from playing for FC Kallon amidst resurfaced allegations of match-fixing, a scandal involving the Sierra Leone Football Association dating back several years. However, according to a letter from FIFA, Christian Caulker has been cleared by the Federation International Football Association’s (FIFA) Ethics Committee for match-fixing allegations. The letter reads, “Dear Sir, we hereby acknowledge receipt of your correspondence and have taken note of the information therein provided. In this regard, please be advised that according to our records there is no case against this player (Caulker). Finally, you could provide to us more information in this matter.”1

The Sierra Leone Football Association insists that it’s a local matter in their response to FIFA, saying investigation is still ongoing . Christian Caulker took the field for FC Kallon in their recent 1-0 victory against Diamond Stars at the Angola playing field on January 1st. However, Sierra Sport reported that Caulker’s inclusion in the squad faced scrutiny ahead of the Leone Rock Premier League match against East End Lions at the Trade Center Field in the Eastern region. It was revealed that Caulker’s exclusion is linked to allegations of his involvement in a match-fixing scandal with the Sierra Leone Football Association from years ago

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