When football meets fashion, sparks are sure to fly! FIFA Council Member and CAF Committee Member, Isha Johansen, is set to ignite a powerful movement through the show E19: Fashion for Change. Johansen is using fashion to raise awareness around the correctional services in Sierra Leone and to gather funds for legal representation and skills training for inmates.
Don’t miss this pivotal discussion on the following channels and times:
SLBC TV: Saturday at 7:30pm
STAR TV: Monday at 8pm (Repeated on Friday at 11am)
SLIK TV: Tuesday at 9:30pm (Repeated on Thursday at 8pm)
SLBC Entertainment Channel: Wednesday at 11am
“On the Spot with Stella” proudly sponsors this initiative, with support from the Anti-Corruption Commission, the National Minerals Agency, and Staco Insurance Sierra Leone. Tune in and be part of the change!