Trudy Morgan Trudy Morgan is a distinguished civil engineer of Sierra Leone heritage, renowned for her trailblazing achievements. She holds the honor of being the first African woman to be awarded a fellowship by the Institution of Civil Engineers (FICE). Morgan also made history by becoming the first female vice president of the Sierra Leone Institution of Engineers, later serving two terms as its president.
Born in Liverpool, United Kingdom, to Sierra Leone Creole parents, Trudy Morgan moved back to Sierra Leone with her family. She pursued her passion for civil engineering at the University of Sierra Leone and later earned an MBA from Cranfield School of Management.
In 2015, Trudy Morgan co-founded the non-profit organization Sierra Leone Women Engineers, dedicated to supporting women in engineering. Notably, in 2018, she played a significant role in a United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) project to stabilize the slopes of Sugar Loaf Mountain near Regent, following the devastating 2017 Sierra Leone mudslides.
Trudy Morgan’s illustrious career also includes serving as the program director for Hilton Freetown Cape Sierra Hotel. She is a member of the Professional Engineers Review Council and represents the UK’s Institution of Civil Engineers in Sierra Leone. From 2020 to 2024, she proudly served two terms as president of the Sierra Leone Institution of Engineers.