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Today, we are shining our lights on the newly elected Vice President of the Old Makeni Franciscans Association (OMFA). He goes by the name Desmond Ray Kanu; he’s a seasoned and professional Geologist and an Engineer working for the National Mineral Agency, Sierra Leone. Having obtained a BSc in Geology from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, Mr. Kanu went on to the University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana, where he took a Master of Science (MSc) in Minerals Engineering. Mr Kanu is happily married with lovely kids.

His overwhelming electoral win is the result of his commitment to ensuring that St. Francis, his alma mater, receives a facelift and maintains its reputation as the pride of the north and Sierra Leone as a whole. Given his vision for St. Francis, which includes keeping the school among the best in the country, fostering pupils overall growth and meeting the demands of today’s educational system, it is not surprising that he was elected with a landslide. That a man with his vision got elected when the school is approaching 65 is especially significant. He has consistently, through several means, shown his continued love and support to the school of his boyhood and remained connected with it ever since.

Mr Kanu is a good team player, one who is accustomed to collaborating with others to achieve many goals. Known him to be a unifier, many believe that his election is a step towards uniting all Old Franciscans in the endeavour of advancing the growth of their alma mater. Mr Kanu has already gone one step further in his call for everyone to support the government of Sierra Leone in improving the country’s educational standards since, in his view, formal or informal education is the only thing that can truly empower people.

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