Celebrating Nekin Palmer: Salone Messenger global multimedia and public relations firm is dedicated to celebrating exceptional stories to motivate and teach young people that, hard work and determination remain viable options in the pursuit of success. Today, we are celebrating Nekin Palmer, the exceptional hard-working self-taught young Sierra Leonean lady who started Palmer’s Creation Organics, a company that produces high-quality organic hair and skin care products from herbs. At age 22, Nekin Palmer started working on research and discovering how she could add to the value of skin and hair products in Sierra Leone and the world. Nekin Palmer currently owned Palmer’s Creation Organics. When Nekin Palmer graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Development studies from the University of Makeni, she decided to pursue her dreams of producing hair and skin products from herbs. She was determined to learn everything she could about the science of producing the products. Nekin Palmer worked hard, and her efforts paid off.

Be part of the celebration and gain recognition: If you are or know of young people with exceptional stories in education, entrepreneurship, or technology, contact us on Whatsapp here at +23232862018/030122484 or click on this link https://wa.me/message/ZH4DLDEUEBCJP1
Nekin Palmer drew inspiration from her background. she was born and raised in the Bumban Village, Northern part of Sierra Leone where she was groomed to take pride in growing her hair and feel comfortable going out with it.
So my objective is to use our products to encourage the black culture where everybody devoid of race or region could be proud to grow their natural hair and feel really comfortable doing so. she told Salone Messenger
Despite facing many challenges, Nekin Palmer never gave up on her dream of producing skin and hair product. Nekin Palmer overcame all odds to owing Sierra Leone’s skin and hair products.
Mariama’s success was due in large part to her dedication and passion for finding solutions to grow her hair and maintain her skin. She was constantly experimenting with new growing techniques and introducing innovative ways to improve the products. Her enthusiasm and drive were contagious, and soon the company was producing more than ever before. Nekin’s success as a female who produce hair and skin product was an inspiration to many of the other women in Sierra Leone. Seeing her succeed, they were encouraged to pursue their own dreams and follow their passions. It wasn’t long before Nekin’s story was being shared far and wide.
speaking to Salone Messenger about challenges, Nekin said
Our major challenge I would say is “Fear”. Since we aim to change a mindset, it is huge to contend with the obsession we ladies currently have with imported hair and skin care products. The reception and reviews from our customers have been great so I believe we’ll win though the acceptability of the products is a bit low for now.
Be part of the celebration and gain recognition: If you are or know of young people with exceptional stories in education, entrepreneurship, or technology, contact us on Whatsapp here at +23232862018/030122484 or click on this link https://wa.me/message/ZH4DLDEUEBCJP1
As word of her success spread, Sierra Leones began to take notice. They admired her dedication and tenacity, and many of them celebrated her success on social media. Nekin Palmer was more than happy to share her story to inspire others.
When not working on her skin and hair product, Nekin Palmer is also working as Human Resources/ Administrative Coordinator at the Caritas in Makeni
Contact her on Facebook Palmer’s Creation Organics,