, 751172, DIRECT, d4c29acad76ce94f, 751172, DIRECT, d4c29acad76ce94f

Salone Messenger


At Salone Messenger, we believe that with collaborative efforts and oneness, the entertainment industry in Sierra Leone will be where we all want it. This category is all about teeling the stories of the entertainers and the entertainment and the way forward to be at the center stage

Latest Entertainment News

Dr. Isatu Kakay-Diallo, Movie Industry Game Changer, to be Featured on Epic Radio Show

Dr. Isatu Kakay-Diallo, Executive Producer/Producer for Salone Discoveries and President/CEO of KID-AFAN

Sallu Kamuskay Sallu Kamuskay

    Cribs International announces the release of Boii’s ‘Feel Alright’ song today.

Cribs International record label has announced to release a new song of their signed

Sallu Kamuskay Sallu Kamuskay

Dr. Isatu Kakay-Diallo meets with the Actors Guild Sierra Leone President to discuss the creative industry

Dr. Isatu Kakay-Diallo, Executive Producer/Producer for Salone Discoveries and President/CEO of KID-AFAN

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