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Salone Messenger

Civic Education

At Salone Messenger, we want to provide our young people between the ages of 15 to 35 years with information and learning experiences to equip and empower citizens to participate in democratic processes. This will empower us to be well-informed, active citizens, and gives us the opportunity to build a united and Better Sierra Leone. It is a vital part of any democracy and equips ordinary people with knowledge about our democracy and our Constitution.

Latest Civic Education News

Over human rights: Uganda’s Parliament writes Sierra Leonean.

Emmanuel Bryma Momoh, a Sierra Leonean-born human rights professional, has been recognized

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Times Higher Education Unveils Top Universities in Sub-Saharan Africa for 2023

Times Higher Education, the leading provider of data on university excellence worldwide,

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Young Sierra Leonean Tech Enthusiast Launches Weather Web App for Sustainable Future

M'mah Zombo, a young tech enthusiast from Sierra Leone, has recently launched

Sallu Kamuskay Sallu Kamuskay

Youth Leader Zipporah Hawa Moriba expresses her reaction to being selected as a YOUNGA2023 Youth Delegate.

Zipporah Hawa Moriba, a prominent Sierra Leonean executive director, youth leader, SDGs

Sallu Kamuskay Sallu Kamuskay