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Salone Messenger


Salone Messenger is a Global Multimedia and Public Relation Firm based in Sierra Leone with the latest news and information, on top stories, business, politics, entertainment and more
1801 Articles

Drug Raids in Kanikay: Police Dismantle Kush Dens

In a bold and decisive move, the Harbor Police Division took action

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Global Inequality Spotlight: UN Report Urges Cooperation

The 2023/24 Human Development Report, released by the United Nations Development Programme

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Sierra Leone’s Para Powerlifting Stars Shine

In a momentous achievement, Sierra Leone has produced two outstanding athletes who

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She-Empowerment League holds Sister Circle Symposium

By: (Adama Finda Borway) The She-Empowerment League on Friday 15th March, 2024

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Sierra Leonean Author Pede Hollist’s Novel So the Path Does Not Die Selected by West African Exam Council

Sierra Leonean author Pede Hollist’s classic feminist novel So The Path Does

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