Sierra Leonean student Amidu Kalokoh recently received the prestigious Leigh E. Grosenick award for outstanding scholarly achievement at the 2023 Student Awards Recognition. This recognition is a testament to his hard work, dedication, and passion for learning.
Amidu’s journey to success has not been without its challenges. As a student from Sierra Leone, he has faced numerous obstacles in his educational path. However, he has persevered and demonstrated that with determination and commitment, anything is possible.
Amidu’s achievement holds significant importance, especially considering the current state of education in Sierra Leone. The country has been striving to improve its education system, and individuals like Amidu serve as role models for other students. His success not only inspires his peers but also highlights the immense potential that exists within Sierra Leone’s youth.
Taking to his social media after receiving the award, Amidu said, “Winning the 2023 Leigh E. Grosenick award for outstanding scholarly achievement was an honor. “
Amidu Kalokoh is a public policy and administration scholar with proven expertise in criminal justice, homeland security, disaster and emergency management, governance, and social equity.
Amidu Kalokoh has Worked with the Office of the President of Sierra Leone empowered him with professional knowledge and skills in research and analysis, critical thinking, planning and implementation, problem-solving, leadership, time management, and communication.
Amidu Kalokoh community development and human rights advocacy has contributed to community transformation, and informed national and international policies on natural resources governance, education, food security, civic engagement, and human rights.