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Four Hard-core Criminals Escaped From Pademba Road Prison Re-Captured Waterloo Police

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Four Hard-core Criminals Escaped From Pademba Road Prison Re-Captured Waterloo Police
Four Hard-core Criminals Escaped From Pademba Road Prison Re-Captured Waterloo Police

n an intelligence-led dusk-to-dawn raid spearheaded by the Local Unit Commander of the Waterloo Police Division, CSP Mr. Joe Kamanda Bongay, the Police of Waterloo have re-captured four (4) hardcore cr!m!nals from their respective hideouts in Waterloo who escaped from the Pademba Road Male Correctional Center (prison) during the November 26, 2023, failed cöüp attempt and prison break-in.

Mohamed Massaquoi, convicted of Mürder and serving a 30-year jail term was re-arrested with a locally-made pistol comprising six (6) shòt-gün cartridges.

Also, Mohamed Kamara, who was sentenced to a 25-year jail term for the offence Wounding With Intent was re-captured by the Waterloo Police during the raids.

Two other young men were also part of the re-captured inmates.

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Waterloo Division

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