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ACC Boss Reacts to Auditor-General’s Report

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Francis Ben Kaifala, the head of the Anti-Corruption Commission Sierra Leone, has recently tweeted that the issues raised in the Auditor-General’s report are taken very seriously in Sierra Leone. The report is considered a primary source of information on corruption nationally. In the report, the Anti-Corruption Commission has outlined the issues raised in the Auditor-General’s Report, 2023 and the immediate actions that will be taken across the board to ensure all-round accountability.

The Anti-Corruption Commission has been working tirelessly to combat corruption in Sierra Leone. The commission was established in 2000 to prevent, investigate, prosecute, and punish those who are involved in corruption. Under the leadership of Francis Ben Kaifala, the commission has made remarkable gains in the fight against corruption. The first five-year tenure by Francis saw Sierra Leone record unprecedented progress in local and international corruption perception indexes and surveys. These include the Millennium Challenge Corporation Scorecard; the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index; the Afro-Barometer Report; the Public Financial Management Consortium National Corruption Perception Survey Report, and others. Under his leadership, the ACC made a record number of arrests and convictions for corruption and recovered more than 45 billion in local currency, as well as seizing vehicles, houses, and other property.

The Anti-Corruption Commission has been taking immediate actions to ensure all-round accountability. The commission has recovered public resources in the total sum of Two Billion, Thirty-Six Million, Six Hundred and Sixty-Five Thousand, Six Hundred and Seven (Old) Leones, and Six (Old) Cents (Le2,036,665,607.6) 1. The commission has also initiated actions with a view to investigating, prosecuting, or recovering of public funds, public revenue, public property, as may be necessary, in accordance with Sections 7, and 48 of the Anti-Corruption Act of 2008 as amended in 2019, respectively 1. The commission has been updating the public through media releases on its interventions in regard to the Auditor General’s Reports of Sierra Leone.

The Anti-Corruption Commission has been making significant progress in its path towards democracy. Democratic elections were held in 1996, 2002, 2007, 2012, 2018 and 2023 2. The commission has been working to hold public officials accountable for corrupt acts and has enhanced efforts to fight corruption in Sierra Leone, including the strengthening of anti-corruption laws 3. Francis Ben Kaifala has won several awards for being an anti-corruption champion.

His leadership has been instrumental in the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone.

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