Jansuccess network sierra Leone, a non Governmental organization founded by renowned Sierra Leonean Journalist Amb Janet Mumgbay Zizer on the 18th of December 2022 empowered 8 single mothers in the kissy brook community.
Beneficiaries of the pastry and bake training after the training thank the founder and the organization for supporting them the training, one of the beneficiaries of the training said “we want to thank the organization for supporting us with this training, we feel this is the right timing and this will help us support our children at home” She said
The Jansuccess network sierra Leone has been in existence since 2019 and has been organizing events for women and girls to build their capacity in diverse ways such as career building, school-to-school sensitization on the child write act, According to the CEO of Jansuccess network sierra Leone Amb Janet Mumgbay Zizer the inspiration was as a result of her being raised by a single mother and how her mother strives to educate her through her skill as a hairdresser, so she thought of giving skills to other single mom to her support their families she furthered to say she has been in the kissy brook community all her life and the majority of the women there are single mothers so she believes if they are skilled they can be who they want.
These are what the beneficiaries have to say at the kissy Brook community.